
An Eastern European as the head of NATO - a long-deserved honour that will wait another 4 years

Eastern Europe Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 23, 2024.

Romanian President Klaus Iohannis will probably not become the Secretary General of NATO. However, the mere hint of his candidacy has already paved the way...

Why Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Unnecessary and Dangerous?

Finances Daniel Lacalle - February 22, 2024.

The main central banks have been deliberating on the concept of introducing a digital currency. However, many citizens fail to grasp the rationale behind it...

Is the lithium market entering calmer waters after a historic plunge?

Energy Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 21, 2024.

The significant drop in the price of lithium in the past year has led to disruptions in the market. Lithium stands out from many other...

The left still has a problem as British Jews face a resurgence of the ‘socialism of fools’

UK Harvey Morris - February 21, 2024.

In a week in which a reported surge in anti-semitism grabbed domestic headlines in the UK, it was difficult to escape the judgment of one...

Great expectations of global autocrats from Trump's return to the White House

US Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 20, 2024.

Donald Trump's new presidential term would be predictable regarding American foreign policy. However, all significant global issues where the US is an actor would become...

Acid on Artwork

UK Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - February 19, 2024.

It seems that a charming “dissident Russian artist”, one Andrei Molodkin, is claiming to be sealing works of original works of art  in the National...

The African Union cannot solve the continent's security issues alone - can the G20 come to its aid?

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 19, 2024.

African leaders continue to fail to find a shared response to the enormous security issues disturbing the continent and keeping its development stuck in a...

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