
The sum of all Putin’s fears

Russia Sergei Stepancev, TA Moscow - March 3, 2024.

European countries understand that they cannot stop Russia quietly or diplomatically. Those that had been at war with Russia in the past know how to...

The Dreadful Relatives

UK Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - March 2, 2024.

The poor Queen of Great Britain is not cold in her grave for the problems her family is bequeathing the new dynasty. Not only  has...

Why Foreign Capital Doesn’t Come?

Economy Emre Alkin - March 2, 2024.

Foreign capital is preferable to borrowing for a country that does not have enough savings for investment to meet its needs. Obviously, certain requirements must...

Hamburg and Hydrogen’s Next Stage

Energy Gordon Feller - March 1, 2024.

While calling for an urgent energy transition, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Protection has set a new national target to reduce annual emissions...

Challenging the candidacy before the courts - a risk that Trump is happy to accept

US Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 29, 2024.

The US Supreme Court is under pressure to decide on the validity of the decisions on the suspension of Donald Trump as a candidate for...

A changing London risks shrinking its civic realm

UK Harvey Morris - February 28, 2024.

Londoners learned this month that a building that once represented the UK’s faith in a bright, technology-led future is the latest of the city’s iconic...

Tehran fears low voter turnout - dissatisfaction to which there is no response

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 27, 2024.

The regime in Tehran has little reason to worry about retaining its overwhelming majority in the parliamentary elections next Friday. However, it approaches the elections...

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