
French plan for peace between Israel and Hezbollah - who's unsatisfied with stopping conflict in the Middle East from spilling over?

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 15, 2024.

A French proposal to end the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah on the border with Lebanon was guaranteed to be rejected as soon as it...

St Valentine

UK Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - February 14, 2024.

Apparently, there were not one, but two St Valentines, and they share 14th February as a Saint Day.  There is rather a paucity of knowledge...

Right-wing Reform UK is more pressure group than party in waiting

UK Harvey Morris - February 14, 2024.

The British electoral system is notoriously hostile to political insurgents who seek to disrupt a two-party system in which either the Conservatives or Labour have...

Elections in Indonesia - will the continuity of the current policy lead to a gradual distancing from China?

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 13, 2024.

A series of globally super-significant elections this year will start tomorrow in Indonesia, where more than 200 million registered voters will vote for all levels...

Can the establishment in Pakistan recognise the change that slapped it in the face at the parliamentary elections?

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 12, 2024.

None of the options Pakistan faces after the parliamentary elections give hope that the country will get through them without a significant political crisis. The cards...

Why Taxing Billionaires Won't Reduce Taxes for the Middle Class: The Fallacy Of Redistribution

Finances Daniel Lacalle - February 12, 2024.

In a world of populist policies, the notion of taxing billionaires to alleviate the financial burdens of the middle class stands as a tempting narrative.  Advocates...

Where are the limits of India's restraint in the Red Sea crisis?

India Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - February 11, 2024.

The crisis in the Red Sea region is an opportunity for India to step out of its traditional neutrality regarding global hotspots and assume a...

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