Russia has been enthusiastic about the interview of Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of the Telegram and VKontakte platforms, with Tucker Carlson. It enabled Russia to...
House speaker Mike Johnson's shift regarding the Ukraine aid bill might cost him his job, but he has accepted the price as he was already...
First of all, let me say that Iran does not possess a genuinely effective army. Diplomacy is the most important weapon that Iran has been...
The escalation of the crisis in the Middle East happened at a critical time for India, whose government has been holding the middle ground regarding...
Under pressure from its invasion of Ukraine, Russia has been forced to adjust its presence in the Caucasus region, using moves that signal a weakening...
The long-simmering disputes between Germany and some EU member states over excessive gas transit tariffs - which Germany has been using to cover holes in...
Responding to the challenges of an increasingly unstable world, Britain’s two main political parties have matched pledges to boost defence spending while remaining ominously vague...