While you read these lines, I am most likely delivering the opening speech for the international conference themed “Technology, Development, and Sustainability,” hosted by Topkapi...
Yemen has been overshadowed by other global crises but the nearly 10-year-old conflict grinds on and millions continue to suffer. It is only through the prism...
Palestine will officially apply for BRICS membership after the summit of this developing economies organisation next October in the Russian city of Kazan, according to...
For the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the military parade at the Bagram base was a kind of mockery of America and its allies on the...
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has arrived in Moscow at a time when Iran's attack on Israel is expected "within days," further exacerbating the crisis in...
The regime in Tehran once again finds itself in a position to threaten a direct attack on Israel within just four months. Although the situation...
Since Hamas attacked Israel on 7 October last year, killed 1200 people and took some 250 others hostage, many red lines have been breached, both...