Istanbul Protest

Prioritising wealth over values

Date: March 29, 2025.
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In my job, I am in contact with many foreign colleagues. Besides, we also have foreign friends we meet during various travels. Of course, my phone has been ringing nonstop lately.

Interestingly, everyone in Turkey is asking me about the economy, while foreigners are enquiring about the political and social direction the country is heading towards. I think this is the main reason for all our turmoil. Money is the most important matter, not the values.

A friend tells the bitter truth; hence, if I offend anyone, I apologise. For many years, I have been explaining that neither Turkey's direction nor that of the world is beneficial.

I have written books, book chapters, articles, and columns on many issues ranging from the economy to politics, from gender inequality to the mistreatment of youth and children, and from restrictions on art to attacks on free will. I have made thousands of videos and social media posts. The message I want to convey can be summarised as follows:

What I truly want to express is that both the ruling power and the opposition, the political institutions that impose their own expectations without fully grasping the societal demands, have primarily adopted an approach that cultivates conflicts among the masses rather than empowering individuals' free will.

Progress cannot be made in this manner. The increase in prosperity and development is already unimaginable.

In summary, what makes us ponder today about where we are heading has not arisen from sudden developments. Everything we are experiencing has accumulated as a result of years of developments, ultimately overflowing like a natural disaster and dragging everything in its path. This is happening not only in Turkey but also around the world.

"Let's make money first, then we'll see"

Those who have superficially listened to my warnings over the years have thought I wrote these things out of frustration. However, I was already one of the many who saw where we were heading. Unfortunately, I became one of the very few who expressed these concerns.

People like us have long been subjected to the opportunism of those who say, "Let's make money first, then we'll see," while upholding concepts like justice, equality, respect for laws, freedom, and education.

After every election, business organisations have showcased their narrow-mindedness and self-interest by saying, "Now it's the economy." Whenever we mentioned "structural reforms," the reply we received was, "There are no structural reforms in Saudi Arabia; look, they're developing beautifully."

Some apparently missed the train of the Republic. They could not understand its virtues

Some apparently missed the train of the Republic. They could not understand its virtues. For those who have not boarded it knowingly, we have nothing to say. I can only feel pity.

As a result, it becomes tragically funny that a group that has disregarded the achievements of the Republic and aimed solely for profit declares itself "innocent" for the place it has brought the country to and even revolts.

The reality is that many have profited from construction booms, capital markets, influence peddling, or moral erosion while prioritising their assets over values. Now they are paying the price.

Turkey's political landscape is no accident

Conscious and educated friends reading these lines have understood that Turkey's increasingly harsh political landscape is not a coincidence. Those who prioritise their wealth over their values, those who unconditionally support politicians because they profit from politics, and those who crush society while pursuing enrichment have led us to this point.

Meanwhile, the colonial mindset that tries to impose the idea that prosperity will increase solely through an economic prescription, without changing the current state of politics, has also contributed to the formation of the present economic management.

From rents to housing prices, from food to school fees, people are struggling to make payments in every category

Turkish oligarchs, who have homes in London, Paris, New York, or Miami and have made "Plan B" accordingly, did not raise their voices against any negativity until their interests were threatened.

The economic management they praised has turned Turkey into one of the most expensive countries in the world. It feels as if we are living in Belgium with wages from India. All these factors have created serious anger in society.

Alongside this, the Central Bank Management's statements that look down on society and covet individuals' incomes have also been added to the mix. The Economic Management, which has revised its inflation target five times without success and scolded citizens, has exhausted everyone.

From rents to housing prices, from food to school fees, people are struggling to make payments in every category.

Baseless enrichment and loss of values

Of course, while listening to this, foreign friends have started to say, "It seems you don't have quality opposition in your country."

They are not wrong. If there had been quality opposition, things could have been different. What we are experiencing today is the rebellion and anger resulting from this fact.

The fact that critical decision-makers on behalf of society are no longer likely to reconsider before taking action or turning citizens into test subjects naturally creates desperation and anger. No one is on the judicial side of the issue anyway.

Emre Alkin
The fact that critical decision-makers on behalf of society are no longer likely to reconsider before taking action or turning citizens into test subjects naturally creates desperation and anger - Emre Alkin

Furthermore, people are helpless and angry because there is no effective politician left who can tell the economic management that constantly intervenes to prevent currency and interest rates from rising and stock markets from falling, straying from the principles of the free market and the dominance of free will, what the right thing to do is.

Many effective economists, who do not align with the government, also think that what this economic management is doing is right. It almost gives the impression that "the politician is wrong - the economic management is right." We'll see when the government realises this.

However, when we step outside, the situation is different: exporters are losing, industry is stagnating, traders are suffering losses, and citizens are crushed by the cost of living.

All these events have reached this level through the urging of Turkish oligarchs who believe that things will improve with just an economic prescription without any changes in the political climate.

Regulatory institutions have allowed this approach, and it has pleased politics regardless of whether they are in power or opposition.

As John Stuart Mill said in his book "On Liberty," this is the point reached by individuals who act out of "servility". For our foreign friends who are curious, I explain that the issue is "baseless enrichment and loss of values." This is a sad and concerning development for those of us trying to uphold the virtues of our Republic.

Source TA, Photo: Shutterstock