
Shoigu's shopping list in Pyongyang - trade out of necessity and violation of UN resolutions

Russia Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - July 28, 2023.

Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu arrived in Pyongyang wearing a military uniform and met with the highest North Korean officials, including the nation's leader Kim...

Not quite the usual Chinese purge - is Xi changing foreign policy by changing the minister?

China Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - July 27, 2023.

The scene was not as dramatic and terrifying as the physical removal of former Chinese President Hu Jintao from the Congress of the Chinese Communist...

Tesla's expansion in Germany - the fight for the market and development, but also prestige

Companies Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - July 26, 2023.

Some Germans, for whom the domestic auto industry is an inseparable component of national pride, saw the opening of the Tesla Gigafactory near Berlin in...

Europe is not sliding towards the extreme right - election results more convincing than a moral panic

EU The Editorial Board - July 25, 2023.

After last Sunday's elections in Spain, where none of the participants won a clear majority to form a government, it may be time to reconsider...

Trump in the maze of trials - his best-case scenario is the worst for American democracy

US Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - July 24, 2023.

Donald Trump will not have much space to plan his campaign for the Republican Party presidential nomination because his schedule is mostly dictated by the...

Woke: The new religion?

Globalization Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - July 24, 2023.

Have you been to Church recently - apart from to attend weddings or funerals?  If not, you are not alone: Average Church attendance was 509,000...

The EU-Tunisia deal on migrants - a test for a new restrictive European policy

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - July 23, 2023.

Even though not the first of its kind, the EU-Tunisia deal to control illegal immigration confirms Europe's shift in migrant policy and heralds a prolonged...

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