
Prigozhin's assassination - Did Putin cross the line of rule by fear?

Russia The Editorial Board - August 24, 2023.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had a difficult task at the end of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg. He had to provide at least some...

The EU-Balkans summit - acceleration of an unfinished integration under the influence of Ukraine

Eastern Europe Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 23, 2023.

The European Union has been searching for a way to absorb the turbulent Western Balkans region more quickly and efficiently after 20 years since it...

Argentina's Destructive Fiscal and Monetary Policy Made The Country Poor

Economy Daniel Lacalle - August 23, 2023.

The Central Bank of Argentina will have to devalue the peso, but it is not due to the victory of Javier Milei in the presidential...

BRICS expansion - a wrongly set goal, which will not be fulfilled

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 22, 2023.

BRICS leaders are meeting for the 15th time at the annual summit of the organisation that wants lead the developing world, but without a clear...

How a maestro did it: Michael Parkinson and the lost art of conversation

UK Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - August 22, 2023.

When did you last watch an interesting chat show on television? They were all the rage in the 1970’s, when middle-aged men, appeared genie-like in...

The rise in popularity of the German far-right - self-delusion ahead of a significant election year

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 21, 2023.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) party conference held in Magdeburg in the east of the country took place on the wings of research showing the...

China feels threatened after Camp David - an excuse to divert attention from troubles at home

China Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 20, 2023.

After the US, Japan, and South Korea summit at Camp David, China has been feeling threatened. In reaction to unanticipated economic and demographic setbacks, the...

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