Middle East

Is the US returning to the Middle East via Sudan?

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 8, 2023.

After a long time, the US has entered the scene as a direct actor in a regional peace process in the negotiations between the two...

Syria will return to the family of Arab allies, but at what cost?

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - April 30, 2023.

Syria is on its way to being readmitted to its Arab family from which it was suspended more than a decade ago, but with far...

How long will peace developments last in the Middle East?

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - April 17, 2023.

If the agreements between Saudi Arabia and Houthi rebels in Yemen from last week develop into a longer and more stable ceasefire, it will be...

Netanyahu's government slides toward collapse, whilst Israel defends its liberal traditions

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - March 28, 2023.

Benyamin Netanyahu and his ultra-conservative government have been trying to take a breather from the pressure of hundreds of thousands of people in the streets...

China's noisy diplomatic debut in the Middle East

Middle East The Editorial Board - March 14, 2023.

China's diplomatic debut in the Middle East has been impressive. There was no hint that Iran and Saudi Arabia were on the verge of a...

Is Israel's unfaithfulness to its allies coming to an end?

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - January 30, 2023.

Iran has many reasons to claim that the attack on its military facility in Isfahan caused only "minor damage". The situation is very unpleasant for...

How Russia is affected by the designation of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - January 16, 2023.

Designating the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organisation would be an unusually strong show of the European Union’s muscles to Tehran. The Union...

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