After enormous success related to Carlson Tucker’s visit to Moscow and blockade of the Ukrainian aid bill in the US Congress, Vladimir Putin will raise...
The Kremlin convinced leaders of 2011-2013 Moscow’s mass protests, Alexei Navalny and Boris Nemtsov, that intensifying pressure on the Kremlin was not good. The authorities convinced...
To strengthen its role as a global trade hub, Turkey’s government has quietly embarked upon an ambitious US$1.1B undertaking which it calls the International Rail...
A French proposal to end the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah on the border with Lebanon was guaranteed to be rejected as soon as it...
Apparently, there were not one, but two St Valentines, and they share 14th February as a Saint Day. There is rather a paucity of knowledge...
The British electoral system is notoriously hostile to political insurgents who seek to disrupt a two-party system in which either the Conservatives or Labour have...
The crisis in the Red Sea region is an opportunity for India to step out of its traditional neutrality regarding global hotspots and assume a...