The 1997 film "Brother" effectively portrayed the identity of contemporary, post-Soviet Russia and shaped the morals of the Putin era. One of those principles -...
When news comes from the Kremlin about nuclear weapons, the world feels anxious and uneasy, as in the Cold War period when the nuclear threat...
A wave of pro-Palestinian protests, often accompanied by anti-Semitic incidents, has bypassed the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe, even though in many countries, Muslims...
Some of the more apocalyptic warnings about the dangers posed by artificial intelligence have come from those who stand to profit most from its breakneck...
Could Russian Jews loyalty to Israel save Russia from fatal collapse? This question may not appear awkward to those who have lived in the USSR and...
The removal of 2 ministers without explanation and after a very short time in office suggests that Chinese leader Xi Jinping has considerable problems recruiting...
What is the punishment for assisting illegal entry and harbouring an illegal immigrant in the UK? "You can be fined £45,000 to facilitate illegal entry,...