There is one week left for political parties to propose their candidates for the parliamentary and local elections in Belarus, planned for February 25. However, Alexander...
The US government is in a dilemma over whether to attack Houthi militia positions in Yemen and thus eliminate the danger of new attacks on...
A baby born during the Covid pandemic is now three years old. Do you think we should fret about whether these children can manage to...
The West could have crushed the Kremlin in the early months of the war. However, 2 years in, the Kremlin began to feel more optimistic...
Israel has reason to worry about the lawsuit that South Africa filed against it at the International Court of Justice, even though the court's decision...
From the outset, Bulgaria and Romania have taken a more demanding and longer path towards full integration into the EU than their Eastern European friends,...
Every year that is drawing to a close in the UK has a potential to offer us a bit of excitement to assuage the disappointment...