
Deep divisions in the Orthodox Christian world are about to culminate  

Eastern Europe The Editorial Board - May 6, 2024.

Orthodox Christianity cannot avoid deep internal divisions, and there is not much prospect for unity before significant dates for Christianity this year and next. The division...

Putin's plans for when Ukraine spends $61 billion from the US

Russia Sergei Stepancev, TA Moscow - May 5, 2024.

Vladimir Putin has been generally pleased with the way his standoff with the West has unfolded after the final approval of $61 billion in aid...

The increased security risk justifies Poland’s need to host nuclear weapons

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 4, 2024.

Poland will face a significant internal debate about whether it should host American nuclear weapons on its territory. President Andrzej Duda has been leading this initiative,...

Don't Think You Are Ready Immune: Watch Carefully Turkish Experience 

Economy Emre Alkin - May 4, 2024.

It was the 1970’s. People would swim on Yeniköy’s coast in Istanbul, relax by the clear blue waters of the Marmara Sea. I remember I...

Turkey has been tightening its attitude towards the crisis in the Middle East—a precedent or a new Erdogan’s manoeuvre?

Turkey Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 3, 2024.

Turkey has been sharply tightening its position regarding the Gaza crisis, with the ambition to become the primary representative of Palestinian interests on the international...

How much risk does the anti-GPS coalition pose?

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 2, 2024.

A little over a year ago, Qantas pilots reported interference to their radio communications and GPS during a flight over the Pacific coming from Chinese...

Can Hamas be trusted when it says it wants to disarm?

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 1, 2024.

Hamas leaders often say that they are ready to compromise regarding the conflict with Israel in Gaza. However, what they consider a compromise has little...

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