
Has Russia irrevocably lost India as a large arms buyer?

India Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 30, 2024.

India and France will start talks on Thursday on the terms for the purchase of 26 Rafale Marine jets, India's latest major investment in modernising...

Faced with future perils the British need to Keep Calm and Carry On

UK Harvey Morris - May 29, 2024.

One of the final initiatives of the outgoing UK government was to urge the public to stockpile food and other essentials for a possible major...

Is there a chance of South Africa changing its foreign policy course after the elections?

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 28, 2024.

Democracy in South Africa will soon have its first experience of forming a coalition government after 30 years of democratic elections and the dominance of...

When ‘Proceed with Caution’ is Ignored, Accountability must still Prevail

Technology Stephen Harwood - May 27, 2024.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the capability to improve the well-being of every person on Planet Earth. It has a capability well beyond that of a...

Japan and South Korea will act as a bloc at the forthcoming summit with China

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 26, 2024.

The forthcoming summit between South Korea, China, and Japan does not hold the potential for significant expectations and breakthroughs in a region burdened by security...

If Russia loses in Ukraine, who will bear the blame?

Russia Sergei Stepancev, TA Moscow - May 26, 2024.

Vladimir Putin does not understand how it is possible that the "marvellous and great" Russian army he had been building for a quarter of a...

Recognising the Palestinian state - the dispute is only about the timing

Middle East Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 25, 2024.

The decision by Ireland, Spain, and Norway to recognise Palestine is probably not the beginning of a new wave of its international recognition, but it...

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