
Biking Is (Finally) Having A Moment

Energy Gordon Feller - May 14, 2024.

Transport is, by far, the largest generator of the world’s daily dose of greenhouse gas emissions. The cleanest and greenest mode of transport, by far,...

The new Sino-Russian summit—the year that threatened "eternal friendship"

China Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 13, 2024.

Just like six years ago, after the presidential inauguration, Vladimir Putin will make his first international visit to Beijing. For the Chinese hosts, who pay attention...

India and the EU aim to accelerate the signing of the Free Trade Agreement

India Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 12, 2024.

In a few weeks, India and the European Union will cross the threshold, and there will be no more major impediments to their relations reaching...

May Day celebrations in Moscow - consolidation of the personality cult

Russia Sergei Stepancev, TA Moscow - May 12, 2024.

The presidential inauguration and the Victory Day celebrations on May 9 were a great demonstration of the personality cult surrounding Vladimir Putin, with the message...

Can the Eurovision Song Contest survive the politicisation to which it has contributed?

Globalization Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 11, 2024.

These days, many people reminisce about the peaceful times a few decades ago when the Eurovision Song Contest was exactly what its name suggests. Especially in...

Why Meat Is Expensive in Big Cities?

Economy Emre Alkin - May 11, 2024.

Today, discount chain stores and national supermarket chains, having replaced small shops, greengrocers, butchers, sellers of dried nuts and fruits and even bakeries, have become...

Short-sighted threats by Republican senators against the ICC

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 10, 2024.

A group of Republican US senators sent a threatening letter to the personnel of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to put pressure on the court...

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