Myth of the work-shy British obscures the debate on workplace reform

UK Harvey Morris - May 1, 2024.

Recent statements from a UK government struggling to contain a ballooning benefits bill risk reinforcing a long-standing prejudice that the British are a nation of...

China security fears fuel debate on UK university funding

UK Harvey Morris - April 23, 2024.

The UK’s financially hard-pressed universities are being challenged to rethink their reliance on recruiting students from China as the government considers measures to address the...

Next UK government must come clean on the cost of defence

UK Harvey Morris - April 17, 2024.

Responding to the challenges of an increasingly unstable world, Britain’s two main political parties have matched pledges to boost defence spending while remaining ominously vague...

Russian Klondikers in and out of the Cold War

UK Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - April 15, 2024.

In the Scottish Highlands during the 1980s, if you lived in a coastal area, you became used to the sight of these enormous Soviet rust...

Trouble in clubland as Britain’s bastions of privilege adapt to the 21st century

UK Harvey Morris - April 10, 2024.

A dispute that has divided the nation appears on the brink of resolution as London’s prestigious all-male Garrick Club prepares for a vote on admitting...

Operation Easter Egg

UK Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - April 5, 2024.

A surprising number of people are not aware that it is illegal in the UK to collect, steal, pinch, or purloin birds’ eggs. On the tiny...

Failing privatisations add to the woes of Broken Britain

UK Harvey Morris - April 3, 2024.

British households will be paying more for their water from the start of this month, adding insult to injury amid a crisis in a privately-owned...

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