British universities are embarking on the first academic year in which they will have to navigate the terms of a new law that seeks to...
The armies of the US and Armenia will hold joint military exercises today in the vicinity of the Armenian capital, Yerevan, in a situation where...
Vladimir Putin once again resorted to anti-Semitism and a bizarre rewriting of Second World War history when he recently accused the Ukrainian leadership of being...
Power struggles within the Palestinian institutions may prove to be a significant burden for implementing an Israeli-Saudi agreement. A part of this agreement should be...
The UK’s bid to put its relationship with China on a more positive track has opened the government to the charge that it is putting...
Major Sir William Newenham Montague Orpen (1878-1931) was an Irish-born artist and draughtsman who settled for most of his life in London. He was acknowledged...
Vladimir Putin will receive Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at his Black Sea residence in Sochi, but, in this instance, meeting on home turf does...