Does Assad's political end mean a shift for Syrian refugees in Europe?

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - December 10, 2024.

Almost all the most developed European countries, which have been the main destinations for refugees for a decade, closed the procedures for issuing asylum to...

The collapse of the Barnier government leads Macron to a new series of political manoeuvres

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - December 5, 2024.

French President Emmanuel Macron's sharp political manoeuvring over the past year collapsed on Wednesday in the Assemblée nationale following a no-confidence vote in his prime...

Green politics in a defensive crouch as priorities shift elsewhere

EU Ferry Biedermann - December 5, 2024.

Green politics are in for a rough ride the next few years, as voters across the globe have made clear over the past twelve months...

A turning point in the principal link of NATO's border to the east

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - December 3, 2024.

The Romanian Constitutional Court has put an end to a brief period of uncertainty in the election game full of shifts, allowing Romanians to go...

On which departments of the new European Commission will the future of the EU depend most?

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - November 29, 2024.

In 2019, the former president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, appealed to the member states not to rush into replacing the commission members who...

A similar existential threat pushed the EU and South Korea towards concluding a security agreement

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - November 21, 2024.

The European Union and South Korea rapidly reacted to major changes in international circumstances that directly affected them and concluded the Security and Defence Partnership...

Romania goes to the polls in the shadow of Trump and Russian interference claims  

EU Ferry Biedermann - November 21, 2024.

The scenario is simple: The Trump administration will allow Putin to dismantle Ukraine or force it into a destructive deal. An emboldened Russia will seek...

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