Xi Jinping in Hungary - warning that China is not giving up on its influence in the EU

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - April 29, 2024.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping will visit Europe after almost 5 years. His tour in early May comes at a time when relations with Europe are...

What could stand in the way of European plans to rely on its own defence industry?

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - April 24, 2024.

The European Union has been rapidly moving towards "war economy mode", guided by the 2-year experience of Russian aggression against Ukraine, which revealed all the...

Is Croatia threatened by a shift away from the EU and NATO after the parliamentary elections?

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - April 16, 2024.

The youngest member of the EU, Croatia, will spend the whole of 2024 in a pre-election atmosphere, without many chances to deal with the burdens...

What is the scope of the Hungarian political newcomer regarding overthrowing PM Viktor Orbán?

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - April 7, 2024.

Neither the ruling Fidesz Party of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán nor the divided opposition in Hungary are calm regarding the apparent rise of the until...

Is Europe immune to Chinese interference in its electoral processes?

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - April 2, 2024.

While Europe has been focused in recent years on defence against Russian cyber interference in its political life, it seems to ignore the danger of...

Development of the Middle Corridor - do the political risks outweigh the economic benefits

Globalization Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - March 31, 2024.

The European Union and Central Asian countries often exchange messages of affection regarding joint projects that would increase the capacities and significance of the Middle...

Slovakia is on the way to balance PM Fico’s populist Eurosceptic policy

EU Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - March 27, 2024.

The 2 contenders for the post of president of Slovakia have been rapidly searching for new reservoirs of votes before the second round of elections...

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