
The G20 summit was not wrong regarding Ukraine - the compromise has brought a significant result

Politics The Editorial Board - September 10, 2023.

Everyone is rightfully dissatisfied with the absence of a direct condemnation of Russia for its aggression against Ukraine in the final statement of the G20...

Two years of Taliban rule - a vicious circle that Kabul does not want to break

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - September 5, 2023.

The 2-year record of the Taliban rule in Afghanistan does not necessarily mean that the time has come for any change of policy regarding this...

Consequences of the coup in Gabon - Where did the coup plotters find encouragement?

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 31, 2023.

It is challenging to draw a connection between the coup in Niger a month ago and the attempted military coup in Gabon last Wednesday. Ali Bongo,...

BRICS expansion - a wrongly set goal, which will not be fulfilled

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 22, 2023.

BRICS leaders are meeting for the 15th time at the annual summit of the organisation that wants lead the developing world, but without a clear...

Camp David summit - more than a security alliance

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 17, 2023.

Serving as the birthplace of the US-East Asian defence alliance could be added to Camp David's long diplomatic history, but this is far-fetched speculation. Even before...

Argentina's first time flirting with seductive anti-establishment politics

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 15, 2023.

Long-haired senator from Argentina, Javier Milei, whose sideburns resembled the late-stage Elvis Presley, yelled "Out!" as he frantically tore off a board bearing the names...

Kim's replacement of the military leadership - a paranoid attempt to strengthen the army's loyalty

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - August 11, 2023.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has replaced his first general and leading officers in the general staff whilst ordering troops to "gird for a...

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