
BRICS summit—15 unsuccessful years in creating a global alternative

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - October 20, 2024.

Most of the global media and researchers believe that even today, 15 years after the founding of BRICS, it is still necessary to explain in...

Energy collapse in Cuba—the peak of the general economic crisis  

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - October 19, 2024.

Cuban authorities managed to restore electricity supply only to some parts of the capital Havana, mainly hospitals, after an unprecedented collapse of the energy system...

Spotlight thrown on peacekeeping amid row between Israel and UN in Lebanon

Politics Sharmila Devi - October 18, 2024.

Worldwide condemnation of Israeli attacks on UN positions in southern Lebanon have put the spotlight back on UN peacekeeping operations, which are easy to criticise...

Suffering rises in Haiti as Trump uses immigrants as punching bag in election campaign

Politics Sharmila Devi - October 11, 2024.

Haiti suffers some of the worst humanitarian challenges in the world but this has not stopped Donald Trump from using it as a punching bag...

The survival of Myanmar’s junta in doubt as it lashes out against its foes  

Politics Sharmila Devi - October 4, 2024.

For several decades, Aung San Suu Kyi was rarely out of the headlines as she fought for democracy in Myanmar often under house arrest. But...

The trodden path or the turbulent road ahead of Mr Consensus at the head of NATO

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - October 1, 2024.

When the Alliance's leaders were deciding on Jens Stoltenberg's successor at the top civilian position in NATO, the criteria of a safe choice prevailed—a person...

Elections in Tunisia will not restore democracy, but is the EU worried?

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - September 30, 2024.

The pro-democracy movement's champion during the 2011 Arab Spring looks set to cement the long-term collapse of its democracy and hand the authoritarian government another...

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