
Microgrids Are Quickly Becoming an Important New Option

Energy Gordon Feller - March 15, 2024.

Interest in distributed generation solutions and microgrids continues to accelerate – and will become more visible as many more microgrids are successfully deployed over the...

Reading Intentions vs. Reading the Game: Difference between Analysts and Economists

Economy Emre Alkin - March 9, 2024.

I have around half a million followers and I follow thousands of people on social media. I follow my friends, colleagues as well as analysts...

Greening Push for Mining and Metals

Technology Gordon Feller - March 8, 2024.

Mining and metals enterprises are experiencing the effects of a broad-based global trend: rising demands to become more environmentally sustainable.  The sources of such demands vary,...

Why Foreign Capital Doesn’t Come?

Economy Emre Alkin - March 2, 2024.

Foreign capital is preferable to borrowing for a country that does not have enough savings for investment to meet its needs. Obviously, certain requirements must...

Hamburg and Hydrogen’s Next Stage

Energy Gordon Feller - March 1, 2024.

While calling for an urgent energy transition, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Protection has set a new national target to reduce annual emissions...

Enabling Greener Futures: Lessons from the Port of Valencia

Technology Gordon Feller - February 25, 2024.

Transport contributes more than half of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Maritime transport is responsible for 13% of the whole transport sector’s total emissions.  What’s...

Shipping Risk Is Greater Than Ever

Economy Emre Alkin - February 24, 2024.

In my previous articles, I had mentioned the recent incidents on Suez and Panama Canals, emphasising that the rising interest rates all over the world...

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