
New heroes of Russian delirium

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Valery Voronin was a star of Soviet sports. He was an outstanding athlete, probably the best soccer player in the country. He played as a half-back for Torpedo, Moscow. He was good-looking, and wealthy. The press called him Soviet Alain Delon. He was popular with the opposite sex and was friends with people like Pelé and Adolf Dassler, the founder of Adidas. Everything was working out perfectly fine for Valery Voronin before he started drinking and missing practices. He even got severely beaten up in a street fight. Valery’s head was crushed. The face of a model was disfigured, and as a result, he was no longer able to play. Valery Voronin, who was as popular as Cristiano Ronaldo today, died in poverty and oblivion. Today's Russia is similar to Valery Voronin and the fate that befell him.
Russia has been trying to produce new heroes to entertain, distract and unite the majority of Russian people
Today’s Russia has turned into a former alcoholic whose friends no longer want anything to do with him or her. The kids left or have been trying to escape the nest. New friends are similar alcoholics, and most of them have already been doomed because of liver cirrhosis or venereal diseases. Russia has been trying to produce new heroes to entertain, distract and unite the majority of Russian people. Donald Trump is one of today’s Russian heroes, just as he was a hero in 2016 when Russia used trolls and WikiLeaks to advance Trump’s candidacy, or when, according to Russian propaganda, he was unfairly deprived of a presidential mandate. Interestingly enough, Russians consider Trump an apostate. As a president, a candidate, or even in opposition, Trump could be useful. In any role, Trump enables the Kremlin to paint America as corrupt, unfair, not perfect, or even a democracy. Just recently, the Kremlin reassured the Russian people and said that Trump would not be arrested. Most people in Russia who follow Russian news do not even know the true reasons why Trump is being persecuted.
The Kremlin’s propaganda convinced the Russian people that Trump has been unfairly victimized for his previous love affair
The Kremlin’s propaganda convinced the Russian people that Trump has been unfairly victimized for his previous love affair because President Biden wants to remove the strongest opposition candidate from the presidential elections. The vast majority of people in Russia don’t know the true details and reasons for payment to Stormy Daniels or the true essence of payment from campaign funds which he later declared as legal expenses. In the reality created by the Kremlin’s propaganda, Trump has been persecuted for cheating on his wife with an adult film actress. In today’s Russian society, that is not desirable, but it is understandable to a certain extent. Most of the Russian ruling and upper class, including Putin himself, have mistresses. To fill up the vacuum, Russia has been producing an alternative reality for its people. Russia has been faking or fabricating facts on foreign and even domestic affairs. Even the former Russian victorious delirium regarding the Great Patriotic War is no longer relevant and applicable, because it is no longer possible for Russia to spin victorious Russian greatness while facing an obvious fiasco in Ukraine, the country which Russia formerly viewed and considered its province.
Vladen Tatarsky was an active participant in the Russian aggression against Ukraine in the most disgusting manner
Vladlen Tatarsky (Maxim Fomin) was a loser and a criminal living in the Ukrainian Donbas region before Russia occupied it in 2014. After the war in the Donbas region had started, Vladlen Tatarsky was able to break away from prison and join Russian mercenaries and Ukrainian pro-Russian separatist forces. Since then, Vladlen Tatarsky’s career has been on the rise. He made a career in the battlefield, and became a well-known so-called military correspondent who published video and written updates from the frontline on a regular basis. He even published several books. Needless to say, everything he published was despicably pro-Russian. From a bankrupt furniture businessman and prisoner, the war turned Vladlen Tatarsky into a Russian star of the war in Donbas. Vladlen Tatarsky’s business enterprise was a failure. Out of desperation, he attempted to rob a bank but instead got caught and was sentenced to prison. Tatarsky and many others were liberated soon after the war started because the prison facility was damaged by the Russian mercenaries’ artillery. Vladlen Tatarsky was assassinated in a bomb explosion in the café which belonged to another former prisoner - Yevgeny Prigozhin, who, similar to Tatarsky, immediately after the war started, made a tremendous transition from Putin’s chef into one of the leading Russian warlords and participants in the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Today’s Russian propaganda does not have much to offer to the Russian people but fabrications regarding Trump or the glorification of assassinated former prisoner and Ukrainian traitor Vladlen Tatarsky who, according to Russian propaganda, was killed by Ukrainian fascists. In reality, Vladen Tatarsky was an active participant in the Russian aggression against Ukraine in the most disgusting manner and thus a war criminal who also spent a great deal of time and effort popularising Russian aggression against Ukraine.
Russia kept consuming everything from the West and at the same time has been condemning the West and Western lifestyle
Russia is not Iran or North Korea. In the course of the previous twenty years, Russia kept consuming everything from the West and at the same time has been condemning the West and Western lifestyle. It was like a masquerade. The majority of the Russian people who had never travelled abroad believed in the fake news regarding the West and Western lifestyle produced by Russian propaganda. The Russian elites and ruling class, who at least lived in the West, understood well that anti-western propaganda exists for average people only because the Kremlin needed to develop patriotism in people. Everyone in Russia understood that there were two different worlds. The world the Russian ruling and upper class lived in and the world the Russian majority existed in, the so-called Russian TV viewers. Someone needs to admit that many people in the Russian ruling class most sincerely admired Putin’s ability to sell patriotic sentiment to the Russian majority while Putin and his inner circle were profiting from Russian natural resources and various corruption and nepotism schemes, in the most shameless manner. The entire Russia was a freak show, which, unfortunately, no one in the West wanted to notice for too long.
Russia has been derailed beyond repair. Abnormal has become normal in Russia
People in Russia who were running the country were shamelessly robbing it in unimaginable volumes, and while doing so they were passionately proclaiming Russian greatness and advocating patriotism among average Russian people. This patriotic corruption coverup at one point became the main sentiment in the country, which defined the Kremlin’s agenda and further inspired the Kremlin to isolate itself from the West, which then led to hostile meddling in the affairs of Western countries. Because this Russian synthesis of corruption and patriotism has been happening for such a long period of time and most probably because of the permanent state of affairs in the Russian governmental hierarchy, Russia has been derailed beyond repair. Abnormal has become normal in Russia. Russia has dived into Putin’s imaginary world because of two factors. Initially, the Russian people were exposed to militant, aggressive, skilful, and victorious propaganda the USSR could not have imagined. And secondly, Russian elites and the ruling class were allowed to take part in massive corruption schemes in exchange for their loyalty, and most importantly, readiness and willingness to take part in the patriotic and victorious madness produced by the Kremlin.
The level of overall Russian delirium has been constantly increasing, similar to a drug addict increasing the dosage
Over the years, as Putin got more and more detached from reality, the level of overall Russian delirium has been constantly increasing, similar to a drug addict increasing the dosage. At one point, Russia was in a state of intoxication which resulted in an overdose that took place on February 24, 2022. In Putin’s imaginary and alternative world, Maria Lvova-Belova, an accused war criminal, could address the UN Security Council. Putin makes the elites and Russian ruling class more and more complicit. He knows that there is no way out for him, while the elites could still escape. Putin is making sure that the elites and the Russian ruling class remain with him until the end. In Putin’s reality, there is no difference between Donald Trump and Maria Lvova-Belova. Putin has been using both to delegitimise the West and to manifest his alternative and imaginary reality. Putin is doing so because he understands that in this reality there is no happy ending for him under no circumstances.
Source TA, Photo: Shutterstock