
Who Will Save the World From Us?

Energy Emre Alkin - November 4, 2023.

You might have watched The Day the Earth Stood Still, a remake of the 1951 science fiction film starring Keanu Reeves. There is an interesting...

Russian de-ratification of nuclear test ban treaty - a real threat or a bluff?

Russia Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - November 3, 2023.

When news comes from the Kremlin about nuclear weapons, the world feels anxious and uneasy, as in the Cold War period when the nuclear threat...

The wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are raising the global demand for weapons to an all-time high

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - November 2, 2023.

Israel's war against Hamas has further raised the trend of growing demand for weapons in the global framework and the expectations for the growth of...

Why is Eastern Europe immune to the wave of Islamic extremism and anti-Semitism?

Eastern Europe Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - November 1, 2023.

A wave of pro-Palestinian protests, often accompanied by anti-Semitic incidents, has bypassed the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe, even though in many countries, Muslims...

Public risks being left out of AI debate led by tech bros and politicians

EU Harvey Morris - November 1, 2023.

Some of the more apocalyptic warnings about the dangers posed by artificial intelligence have come from those who stand to profit most from its breakneck...

The Australia-China summit - the model guiding the overall Western policy towards Beijing

Politics Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - October 31, 2023.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese will travel to Beijing this weekend for talks with President Xi Jinping. He has a lot of confidence regarding his...

The lawsuit by 33 US States v. Meta - is a significant precedent for social media regulation on the horizon?

Technology Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - October 30, 2023.

The lawsuit filed by 33 US states against the companies, owners of the biggest social media platforms, might significantly advance the regulation of harmful content...

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