The founder and CEO of the Telegram platform, Pavel Durov, is many things; he is an entrepreneur, a clever businessman, and a wealthy and influential...
The U.S. Federal Reserve will cut interest rates by 25 basis points at each of the remaining three meetings in 2024, according to a Reuters...
The ruling party in Georgia, Georgian Dream, is appealing to voters to trust it again in the parliamentary elections in October by putting the flag...
During the late 1980s, when Russia was on the verge of becoming a free and democratic country, famous Russian rock performer Igor Talkov included the...
The Russian economy has been at an impasse since the door it had hoped would compensate for the damage caused by sanctions on energy exports...
Famous economist Milton Friedman has a quote that stays in all our minds. It can be summarized as follows: „The cause of inflation is not...
While primarily preoccupied with finding solutions to the crisis in the Middle East and frequently traveling to the region, CIA chief and ambassador William Burns...