Alexei Navalny

Je suis Alexei Navalny

Date: February 16, 2024.
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The Kremlin convinced leaders of 2011-2013 Moscow’s mass protests, Alexei Navalny and Boris Nemtsov, that intensifying pressure on the Kremlin was not good.

The authorities convinced them that the Kremlin could be impacted peacefully and that Putin’s regime would be civilised after Medvedev’s presidential candidacy.

The truth was that Vladimir Putin could never be trusted since he would always break his promise when he saw an opportunity to do so.

Boris Nemtsov fell victim to this murderous game of the Kremlin and Putin 9 years ago, and Alexei Navalny today. Both died after they refrained from going into open combat with Putin’s regime during the 2011-2013 Moscow mass protests.

Alexei Navalny was a political prisoner and would have been alive had he not been kept in horrific prison conditions in the far Russian north beyond the Arctic Circle.

Even if he had really died of natural causes from a tumour, it could have been prevented in time if he had been treated in one of the hospitals in Moscow.

But something like that was impossible, just 200 kilometres from the capital, not to mention Russian far north – the region where a central hot water supply or inhouse toilet was a privilege.

Alexei was tortured in the prison. Most of the time, he was in a special harsh maintenance regime, which was like a prison inside a prison. His death was definitely facilitated by Putin’s regime.

Putin's torture will not stop on its own

Vladimir Putin has no honour, nor could he be trusted. After the death of Navalny, do we need another terrible confirmation that none of his promises can be trusted?

Just as he killed both Navalny and Nemtsov, he would attack other countries after Ukraine because he has no problem breaking his promise when he sees advantages to his rule.

Similarly, Vladimir Putin would use a nuclear arsenal in Ukraine or in space if he determined that he could get away with it, and it would help him to achieve his goals.

Vladimir Putin has already imprisoned the Russian people’s willingness to be free.

The vast majority of Russian people are now prisoners, similar to Alexei Navalny, or they are only theoretically free.

Even a reckless word regarding the war Russia has been waging on Ukraine or a comment on WW2 could send any Russian to 10 or more years in prison. After the death of Navalny, their fear will be even greater

Even a reckless word regarding the war Russia has been waging on Ukraine or a comment on WW2 could send any Russian to 10 or more years in prison. After the death of Navalny, their fear will be even greater.

The torture he used on Alexei Navalny and the entire Russian population is a model of behaviour regarding Ukraine as well, where he has been trying to break the will of the Ukrainian people.

He would use the same model on any other European country and its people if he could.

Western governments have failed to prevent the deaths of Navalny and Nemtsov, but they could still stop thousands of new murders, for which the government in Russia has been persistently proving that it was fully prepared.

“If they decide to kill me, it means that we are incredibly strong. We need to utilise this power to not give up, to remember we are a huge power. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good people to do nothing”. Let these words of Navalny remain with us as a memory of him and an important reminder.

Goodbye Alexei. You will be remembered. Thank you for everything.

Source TA, Photo: Shutterstock