You probably don’t need further information: figures or heartbreak on the issues of mass migration into Europe by sea and land, and if you do,...
Sweden gave humanity the first law that protects the public's right to know 257 years ago. Its contribution to civilisation with the first Freedom of...
After last Sunday's elections in Spain, where none of the participants won a clear majority to form a government, it may be time to reconsider...
European countries still treat extremely high summer temperatures as a climate anomaly, even though all indications are that heat waves have become the new normal. The...
Germany views China as a “partner, competitor, and a systemic rival”, following the definition of relations with Beijing widespread in Europe. However, Berlin's new comprehensive strategy...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave EU bureaucrats in Brussels tangible proof of the phrase they have been repeating for a year and a half:...
France is not the only divided society in Europe, but it has allowed populist policies to amplify already existing differences into brutal street violence in...