
The UN system is rapidly self-destructing

Globalization Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - June 2, 2023.

The UN system is rapidly turning into a useless debating club whose membership rules have long since been so broken that few remember them. The latest...

Istanbul, Dubai, London, Paris: leading cities in real estate investments. Why?

Economy Emre Alkin - May 27, 2023.

In the 1970s, “making your money work for you“ was neither a common nor a proper practice in Turkey. Trading and producing created two respectable...

The Arctic Council is dying - time for a new model

Globalization Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 22, 2023.

Norway has taken on the thankless duty of chairing the Arctic Council, an intergovernmental body for cooperation in the region, for the next 2 years. Norway’s...

Deglobalisation of Russia - abuse of the most successful period in the country's history

Globalization Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - May 10, 2023.

London was the first Western capital to which Vladimir Putin travelled after he came to power in 2000. It was the global debut of the...

Food Futurology: Are You What You Eat?

Globalization Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - April 12, 2023.

These are the fun insect treats responsible parents are buying their children to prepare for their climate change consciousness.  Why not?  We’ve been eating snails...

Language evolves but please don't weaponise it: Hands off Personal Pronouns!

Globalization Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - April 3, 2023.

“There ain’t no personal pronouns in the American Constitution!” “Dude, one’s the first word!” “We, the People…” I, you (singular and plural) he, she, it, they, are the...

Let's have a chat with ChatGPT4: Who guards the guards?

Technology Catriona M. Munro, TA Editor in Chief - March 27, 2023.

Hi, ChatGPT4, here’s $20. Could you do my homework for me? Was Napoleon Bonaparte evil, or was he a genius? Thanks. I need a University Degree,...

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