
Africa’s gas—can it fill the gaps?

Energy Gordon Feller - May 21, 2024.

Rising transportation cost estimates, and rising delivered gas cost estimates, are changing the viability of five African pipeline proposals. The Central Africa Pipeline/Ajaokuta–Kaduna–Kano (AKK) Pipeline  The pipeline...

Biking Is (Finally) Having A Moment

Energy Gordon Feller - May 14, 2024.

Transport is, by far, the largest generator of the world’s daily dose of greenhouse gas emissions. The cleanest and greenest mode of transport, by far,...

New Mobility Solutions Could Soon Be Swarming Inside Cities

Energy Gordon Feller - April 22, 2024.

“There are roughly 22 million trips made in Istanbul every day and in the past ten years, we have seen bus use decrease by 10%....

The dispute over German tariffs on gas transit - a commercial or political issue to be resolved by Brussels

Energy Tomorrow's Affairs Staff - April 17, 2024.

The long-simmering disputes between Germany and some EU member states over excessive gas transit tariffs - which Germany has been using to cover holes in...

Microgrids Are Quickly Becoming an Important New Option

Energy Gordon Feller - March 15, 2024.

Interest in distributed generation solutions and microgrids continues to accelerate – and will become more visible as many more microgrids are successfully deployed over the...

Greening Push for Mining and Metals

Technology Gordon Feller - March 8, 2024.

Mining and metals enterprises are experiencing the effects of a broad-based global trend: rising demands to become more environmentally sustainable.  The sources of such demands vary,...

Hamburg and Hydrogen’s Next Stage

Energy Gordon Feller - March 1, 2024.

While calling for an urgent energy transition, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Protection has set a new national target to reduce annual emissions...

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