Daniel Lacalle 52 posts

Daniel Lacalle has a PhD in economics and is a fund manager. He has more than 24 years of experience in the energy and finance sectors, including experience in North Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. 

Mr Lacalle has presented and given keynote speeches at the most prestigious forums globally. He is the author of the best-selling books:

  • “Life In The Financial Markets” (Wiley, 2014), translated to Portuguese and Spanish
  • “The Energy World Is Flat” (Wiley, 2014, with Diego Parrilla), translated to Portuguese and Chinese
  • “Escape from the Central Bank Trap” (2017, BEP), translated to Spanish.
  • “Freedom Or Equality” (2020, PostHill Press)

Mr Lacalle is a regular collaborator with CNBC, Fox News, Bloomberg, NTD USA, the World Economic Forum, Epoch Times, Mises Institute, Hedgeye, Zero Hedge, Focus Economics, Seeking Alpha, and The Wall Street Journal.

He is ranked Top 20 most influential economist in the world.

Mr Lacalle is a professor at IE Business School, IEB, and has also been a guest teacher and speaker at the London School of Economics and UNED University.

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